Cosmetic Dentist – Burbank, CA

Achieve Your Dream Hollywood Smile

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you dislike the stains, chips, and minor gaps that show up in the mirror each day? Are you avoiding social gatherings or opportunities for advancement in your work? Because the health of your smile is most important, trust your smile to a dentist who has performed thousands of successful cosmetic makeovers. Our skilled cosmetic dentist in Burbank, CA, Dr. Ruiz, and his dental team understand aesthetics and can customize a plan to reach your esthetic goals using an array of cosmetic dentistry solutions. Designed to enhance your visual appearance, contact us to learn what you can do to regain your confidence once again.


Why Choose Dr. Ruiz & Associates, Inc for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Predictable Results Using Customized Smile Design
  • Experienced Cosmetic Dentist & High-Quality Materials
  • Flexible Financing Options



Woman's smile compared with veneers color options

Dental veneers are very thin shells, typically made of porcelain or resin, which are bonded to the front of your teeth to enhance the beauty of your smile. Our dentist may recommend dental veneers to correct several types of smile imperfections.


Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for enhancing your smile because the color and translucence of porcelain are a great match for the natural appearance of tooth enamel. Porcelain is stain-resistant as well, so your smile will stay bright for years to come. Resin veneers can also be matched to your natural tooth color. With dental veneers, you can achieve a beautiful, natural-looking smile that you will love to show off.


Custom-made veneers can be used for just one tooth or your entire smile. We may suggest veneers to:


  • Close large spaces and gaps between teeth
  • Whiten teeth that are severely stained or discolored
  • Improve the appearance of irregularly shaped teeth
  • Correct slightly crooked teeth
  • Restore teeth that are broken, chipped, worn, or fractured

Learn More About Veneers


Invisalign® Clear Braces

Dental patient holding an Invisalign clear braces tray

A straighter smile is healthier and more beautiful, and you can receive one when you see our dentist for Invisalign® orthodontics. Patients who dislike the appearance of traditional, metal braces will love Invisalign because it straightens teeth using clear aligners. These aligners not only keep your smile beautiful during treatment, but they are also removable for easy eating, brushing, and flossing.


In general, Invisalign aligners can be used to treat the same orthodontic issues that are normally treated with braces. Our dentist may recommend Invisalign treatment to correct:


  • Crowded teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped and spaced teeth
  • Certain problems with the bite, such as an overbite, open bite, underbite, or crossbite


During your initial visit, we will determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. This treatment is often a good choice for adult patients and others who are interested in a virtually invisible orthodontic treatment. In addition to being discreet, Invisalign aligners are very comfortable because they are custom-made from smooth, thin plastic. The aligners are removable as well, which allows you to eat, brush, and floss like normal.

Learn More About Invisalign

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Dentistry patient receiving cosmetic dental bonding

Instead of treating minor smile imperfections with veneers, you can also opt for cosmetic bonding. This minimally invasive solution uses color-matched composite resin to conceal flaws. Our dentist will apply it directly onto the surface of the tooth enamel and sculpt it into place. Once covering the appropriate area, we’ll use a curing light to harden the resin and create a flawless smile in just one appointment.

Teeth Whitening

Dental patient receiving teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple, effective cosmetic dental treatment that we offer to noticeably enhance your smile in as little as one treatment. Our professional teeth whitening treatments utilize a powerful, yet safe whitening gel that is applied to the surface of your teeth. This gel works to lighten the appearance of stains, discoloration, and yellowing on the tooth enamel. Teeth whitening is often available in both in-office and take-home systems. Professional teeth whitening can give you a noticeably whiter smile that will boost your self-esteem and help you smile with pride.


If you have ever wished that your smile were whiter and brighter, teeth whitening might be right for you. Through professional teeth whitening, we can lighten stains and discoloration caused by:


  • The natural aging process
  • Poor dental hygiene habits
  • Consumption of certain drinks and foods, including tea, wine, coffee, and soda
  • Smoking and other forms of tobacco use
  • Illness
  • Certain medications
  • Fluorosis
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Minimally Invasive Porcelain Veneers, Onlays, and Dental Crowns

Veneers onlays and dental crowns prior to placement

You can gain a healthier, more beautiful smile in just one appointment when you visit the office of Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz for minimally invasive porcelain veneers, onlays, and crowns. We can create these restorations and cosmetics at our dental office, so you won’t have to wait a long time to have a better smile.


Onlays, veneers, and crowns are only used to repair badly broken teeth or improve the aesthetic of your smile. Though replacing teeth with a restoration is never our first choice, we will always use the least invasive technique possible. When a tooth is badly damaged, we can use the amazing CAD/CAM technology, CEREC, combined with Dr. Ruiz’s extensive knowledge of dental materials and modern techniques to repair a broken tooth in one day. We will use the healthiest supra-gingival (above the gum) and most minimally invasive technique available, like onlays and veneers as a substitute for crowns.


Traditionally, damaged teeth would require a painful, two-appointment crown procedure. But now, we can complete the treatment in just one dental office visit. Dr. Ruiz will not cut your tooth down for a crown but instead, will always choose procedures that preserve more tooth structure and the health of the gums and nerves.

Minimally invasive dentistry will change your life



Virtual Smile Design

Woman looking at smile after virtual smile design

If you want to make changes to the appearance of your smile but are afraid of how it will turn out, see our dentist for a customized smile design. By using advanced equipment and computer software, Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz can show you beautiful results before you even begin treatment.


A more beautiful smile can improve your self-esteem and confidence, but you may not feel confident in the possible changes cosmetic procedures can make. You may wonder if you will be able to effectively communicate the desired alterations with our dentist or if you will like the way your new smile looks. But at our dental office, Dr. Ruiz uses customized smile design to give you a preview of your new smile.


Using a dentofacial aesthetic diagnosis system to produce consistent results, we combine digital images and advanced equipment to attain unique cosmetic goals with the 25 parameters of dentofacial aesthetics. To help improve the appearance of your smile, we design it beforehand so that you can see how it will look.


Inlays and Onlays

Illustration of a dental inlay being placed on tooth

Do you need an aesthetically pleasing way to repair a back tooth? Then you may want to consider inlays or onlays; these restorations are often recommended for dental damage that isn’t severe enough for a crown but is more extensive than what a filling could fix. Inlays and onlays are made out of tooth-colored materials that blend right in with your enamel, thus making it possible to reverse the damage to your tooth in a way that looks natural.

Learn More About Inlays and Onlays