Supra-Gingival Dentistry by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz Blog

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean?

March 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 8:25 pm

If you’ve experienced bleeding gums at one point, it can be pretty uncomfortable or even scary. And even more than that, bleeding gums can be a sign of something bigger going on in your mouth. So, in this article, we’ll unpack what bleeding gums might mean and what you can do about it. 


Dental Inlays vs Dental Onlays vs Dental Crowns

March 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 4:09 pm

​​If you’ve gone to the dentist to fix any symptom you’re feeling with your teeth, you’ve probably heard them recommend a lot of different things — a filling, an inlay, an onlay, a crown, etc.

To people who aren’t in the dental field, it’s easy to get these three treatments confused.

And since we don’t want you to be left in the dark about which is which, we decided to write this guide to clear things up.


Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

March 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 3:48 pm

Have you ever gone to the dentist, expecting to be recommended a dental filling, only to be told you need a crown? Well, this is more common than you’d think.

But what exactly are dental crowns, and when are they needed?

Let’s get into it.


How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

March 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 7:02 am

If you have a dental filling, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the CDC, about 90% of American adults have at least one dental filling. And while the majority of people have dental fillings, many people don’t realize that dental fillings actually have an expiration date (which is why proper oral care is so important!). 


Dental Implants vs Dental Crowns

February 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 6:52 am

Sometimes, with the amount of different dental procedures that are there, it can be tough to remember which is which. We get it!

Two of the dental procedures that people mix up are dental implants and dental crowns.


Can Dental Crowns Be Whitened?

February 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 3:57 pm

We all want white, bright, beautiful teeth. And while there are multiple teeth whitening solutions available for your natural teeth, things are a bit different when it comes to dental crowns.

Since we want you to be happy with your smile, we wrote this guide so that you are aware of the reality of teeth whitening when you have a dental crown, and what your options are.


What Are Silver Dental Fillings?

February 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 6:35 am

Do you remember the days when you could easily tell when someone had a dental filling because you could see a piece of silver in their mouth when they smiled? While those silver (amalgam) fillings are not as common as they once were, they still exist.

But what exactly are silver dental fillings, and why do we not see them as much we used to?


What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 8:21 pm

Your oral health is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. In fact, poor oral health has even been linked with other conditions like heart disease and strokes. While good oral health starts at home by brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugary foods as much as possible, visiting the dentist for regular teeth cleanings and checkups is also very important. 


How to Find the Best Dentist in Burbank for You

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 8:46 pm

If you’re in the Burbank, CA area, you might have noticed that there are A LOT of dental practices. It can be difficult to weed through all your options to choose the best dentist for you and your needs.

Your choice of dentist and dental office can have a significant influence on your oral health (which influences your overall health).


How Often Should You Go to the Dentist for a Teeth Cleaning?

January 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drruiz @ 8:25 pm

Most people know that they should visit the dentist often. In fact, 85% of Americans believe that oral health is important to their overall health. But is there a discrepancy between how often people think they should be going to the dentist and how often they actually do? 

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